Film Noir: a type of crime film featuring cynical malevolent characters in a sleazy setting and an ominous atmosphere that is conveyed by shadowy photography and foreboding background music. The literal translation of 'Film Noir' is 'black film' which means that most of the movies were in black and white with very distinctive lighting being used. Originating out of Europe after WWII, the 1940s and 50s saw the rise and huge success of the film noir genre on the silver screen. The look is still popular today, in such films as Black Swan, Drive and Sin City (each having a Neo-Noir style ). What exactly is the film noir look? Using low-key lighting as well as emphasizing shadows and harsh lighting , the film noir look captured the dark side of American life: urban crime, mobsters and thieves. To light in a film noir style, there are three basic things to remember: To get hard crisp shadows, use a small intense light. (Fresnels, lekos, reflector sp...