Cinematography blog tasks
The opening scene starts off with an Ariel shot which establishes the location and gives an insight of the setting for the audience. There is also a medium close up of grave stones that connote death and suggests that there will be many deaths seen through the entire series. The extreme close ups of the females hair and the males hands suggest to the audience that they are going on a trip in the summer and have a nice time together. The close ups of the females hand and shoes suggest to the audience that she is of high class and is wealthy because she is wearing a white glove and red shoes. The red shoes connote love but also power and fierceness. The low angle shot of the birds is the turning point where the weather turns gloomy and birds are flying about suggesting that something has gone wrong. The zoomed in shot of the female sitting soaked clearly suggests that she is frightened and the close up enhances the her facial expressions and the fear within her face.

Here are four still images from the TV show 'Riverdale,' The first image which is a medium close up of five characters who seem to be staring down at something in shock. The medium close up shows the audience part of the body but also shows the expressions and emotions of the characters. From the MCU I can tell by their expressions that they have just seen something very terrifying and have uncovered some truth. All the characters seem to look quite distraught from the first image. The second image of the over the shoulder shot suggests to the audience that the producers are trying to put the main focus on the two characters whose faces are visible. I can infer that the producers are suggesting that these two are a couple and have a relationship that is more than being friends.
The third image of the eyes in a hooded mask is a extreme close up which emphasises the emotions and the tension within the scene. The extreme close up is significant in this matter because the eyes are the only feature the audience can see as the face is hidden underneath a mask. The ECU is used to create suspense and build tension because the audience don't know who it is but the producers could be suggesting that it is someone who they have come across briefly before but didn't quite expect it to be him. Again the MCU in the last shot shows a lot of emotion because the actor is seen holding his head in his hands which suggests he is quite tensed and is going through a lot of difficulties and isn't quite sure what to do . From this shot we can see that he is sitting against the wall on the floor suggesting that he is quite overwhelmed.
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