summer project film pitch

A Level Media NEA – Brief 4: Film trailer and posters
Film Pitch
Our coursework brief requires us to create our own film trailer and posters for an original movie that we have created in the horror or coming-of-age drama genres. Plan the following:

Title:      My Secret Diary ….

Tagline:   Secrets are made to be told….

Genre (and sub-genre/hybrid genre if applicable):   coming of age/ teen/ drama

Logline – one sentence that sums up the film and hooks people in (25 words or fewer):

Other successful films that are similar to yours:  Bend it Like Beckham

Narrative structure – what happens in the film and in what order:
The film starts of with a girl writing in her secret diary, the diary that holds all her thoughts and emotions and obviously secrets, it is something that no one knows about and that she carries with her everywhere. The film is of her telling her story and narrating it. The story consists of her lying to her parents, her struggle with popularity and her abusive relationship.
Hero/heroine, their desires, the conflicts they encounter etc.:
Heroine – she likes to read and write, enjoys socialising, however is shy at times

Other characters, their narrative role and their audience appeal:
Mother, friends, boyfriend?

Target audience for your film (age, gender, social class, interests etc.): teens/ mostly female/ ages from 13 onwards/ middle class people


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