'My Secret Diary' Mise-en-scene


My characters will be wearing casual clothing so jeans, hoodies, cropped tops. I would like my characters to be wearing modern, westernised clothing to make it seem more realistic. I want it to communicate that these young teens have grown up in UK, West London and have adapted to the modern day look. 

Milissa's mum will be wearing traditional clothing so that the audience can understand she is quite conservative and she follows religion. 


I would like my lighting to look natural, and will want to film during the day in order to get the natural lighting. Most of my shots will be interior but even the exterior shots will be filmed during the day. I think i might use reflected sunlight to create a softer but emotionally intense atmosphere. 


I will be using the same actors that i used for my preliminary task, this is because I wanted to look at the same representations and also I am familiar with how the people work. 


My main prop will the Milissa's secret diary that is the most significant piece. This is because the diary is the reason why Milissa runs away and why her parents were disappointed with her as she kept all these secrets and it was not like her to do so, well that's what they though.  


For settings, I will be using my actors' homes, this is because I believe it will add to the realistic aspect and would further reinforce the representations of an Asian family.  I will be using the school corridors for my film, i will film after school that way i can make sure people are not around and that I can have a clear audio. Also, I will use a nearby park or field to show Milissa running away.


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